Saturday 30 June 2012

June 29th….Day 4 just west of Princeton, BC to Olalla, BC (90km)

Breakfast of champions...

 I hate oatmeal but the strawberries from Loraine are amazing!! Elyse and I spent the morning cleaning up the van, organizing what clothes need to head to a laundry mat, and updating blogs etc.

you can actually see the salt building up from sweating so much...I can't remember if I posted this already but oh well.

I didn’t start biking until the afternoon, but I managed to squeak in 90km in 3h 46mins . I still can’t figure out how to upload the previous day’s trip stats; however, you can view this link to see how today went and the last part of yesterday! It was great ride because it was mostly downhill and there were lots of animals and scenery to keep me busy. The wind is super weird between the mountains, as it is always swirling and coming from a different direction...lots of head and crosswinds today!

I cycled until about 7pm and then drove towards Penticton to try and find a campsite before dark. All the campsites have jacked their prices up for Canada day….lowest price was something like $40 before tax and they were charging for showers, wifi, and anything else they could!! Elyse and I were rattled and hungry, so we grabbed a spot to sleep and headed out for something to eat, since we couldn’t find a grocery store in the small towns between Princeton and Penticton. 

According to schedule we are only supposed to be in Princeton right now and then bike to Penticton tomorrow, but I am feeling good so I think I am going to bike from Olalla to Kelowna tomorrow. The trip is 101km according to mapquest, so I should be able to meet up with some buddies in Kelowna for Canada day.

Unfortunately, we don’t have anyone to stay with that has been affected by Parkinson’s disease until July 2nd in Vernon, so Elyse and I are going to wait it out in Kelowna, where we can stay with my buddy Mark Veriker (it will be a good chance to let the legs recover and get some laundry done).

I want to include an email I received from someone who I think about a lot when I am cycling. I wish I could erase the pain this person is feeling: 

I got pretty shook up when I read this email because this is exactly why I am doing this ride. Getting media attention and donations along the journey have been difficult and discouraging at times; however, I can only hope that my ride is giving people hope of a better future, a future free of Parkinson's disease. 

Hi Cory
I want to wish you a great trip and thank you for doing your cycle of hope.
It was a year last Friday that I was diagnosed ..I am having a hard time admitting it  to myself. there is only 2 people in my family I have told..maybe your ride will help me get out of this denial . I will be following you on your journey.
Take care of  yourself

I cry every time I read this quote, but I also read this quote everyday. There never used to be a cure for cancer, but Terry Fox believed in miracles. I have to believe & hope a cure for Parkinson's disease is around the corner.

“I'm not a dreamer, and I'm not saying this will initiate any kind of definitive answer or cure to cancer, but I believe in miracles. I have to.”  Terry Fox

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