Sunday 22 July 2012

Canmore to Calgary (104 km)

So, I have allowed my blog to fall way behind, and I am currently updating my experience from Brandon MB. 

Unfortunately I lost ton of trip logs for a few days because I didn’t realize my watch only saves a few days of training files and then automatically deletes them…the gps situation is giving me nightmares and it is something I wish I was able to play with prior to the ride, so I would have all the bugs out. I enjoy being able to share the trip statistics with everyone, and I like the idea of being able to look back on the files one day. I didn’t realize my watch was deleting files until we got to Taber, so I apologize to those people that enjoy seeing how slow I am cycling and how high my heart rate flies when I am exhausted!

Anyways, my legs were just screaming today and every pedal stroke was a struggle. The sun decided to come out today and just drill me with heat, but that was okay because I will take heat over headwinds anytime!

I made it to Calgary and met up with a buddy to check out the Stampede. If you don’t know anything about the Calgary Stampede, Calgary residents are CRAZY about their cowboys. It is the centennial year of the Stampede and it is a pretty busy place….it was something to see the crazy cowboys riding the bulls, but the coolest part of the rodeo was by far the hula-hoop act. I am having trouble uploading the video but I will try to get it up for viewing ASAP.

After the stampede I met up with a huge gang from the Parkinson’s Alberta Society at the Holiday Inn we stayed at in Calgary. It was awesome to see everyone supporting Parkinson’s Cycle of Hope!
This link has a few pictures (Alberta style) compliments of Laurine Fillo's awesome photography skills!

We had tickets to see the Grandstand Show at the Stampede that night, and Mr. & Mrs. Fillo invited Elyse and I to a neighbourhood BBQ at David’s father’s house to fill up on a home cooked meal before we toured down to that event.

Laurine is one of the youngest people I have met with PD, but it was refreshing to hear her optimism and positive outlook. Today we felt some negative vibes from people who said Parkinson’s Cycle of Hope isn’t really that important, and I should have never came through Calgary during the Stampede, but Laurine and David are super chill individuals and they shared some words to inspire me to stay positive and know  this bike ride is going to touch people in ways I will probably never even realize. I can’t let the naysayers bring me down and we quickly turned towards discussing the ways to improve living with Parkinson’s.
Laurine doesn’t have any tremors, but her body stiffens up on her quite a bit. One way Laurine manages her symptoms is working with music therapy. She has always been an active women, who loved to run, so every day she throws her iPod  on and walks to music that helps break the gait and allows her to walk more efficiently! I have read a lot about how gait affects some people who have PD, but Laurine was the first person to be living proof of the positive effects of using music therapy! Maybe give it a try!!!!
We enjoyed our time spent with the Fillo’s that Elyse and I decided to stick around a little later and just head back to the hotel instead of going to see the Grandstand Show. A couple individuals at the BBQ donated money towards our goal, and the Fillo family treated us like their children. I feel like Elyse or I could call Laurine or David and they would do anything they could to help us out. I don’t think they know how much we appreciate what they have done for us!

I was excited to head to the hotel and have a Epsom salt bath, because my legs were feeling pretty bad and my buddy told me it helps him after rugby games. I gave it a try and it seemed to help….if not actually, mentally!

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